Monday, February 7, 2011's on!

For anyone who follows football, last night was the mother of all games, the Superbowl. While I was pleased with the outcome, GO PACK GO, I was also pleased with many of the commercials. I know I'm not alone when I say that the commercials are my favorite part of the Superbowl. Where I was watching the game it was not a secret that we all held a greater interest in the commercials than the game. My top favorites, in descending order (of course to build suspense), are...


3. I know this is a trailer and not your typical "Superbowl commercial," but I have to stay I can't wait till it comes out!



1 comment:

  1. I always love the Doritos Super Bowl commercials! They make me laugh every time. While most other Super Bowl commercials can be dumb, the Doritos ones are always good.
